Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Related Researches on Disease Surveillance using SaTScan Tool

The following two researches relates to vector borne disease surveillance using SaTScan Tool.

1. Population Density, Water Supply, and the Risk of Dengue Fever in Vietnam: Cohort Study
    and  Spatial Analysis  
    By Wolf-Peter Schmidt, Motoi Suzuki, Vu Dinh Thiem, Richard G. White, Ataru Tsuzuki, Lay-
    Myint Yoshida, Hideki Yanai, Ubydul Haque, Le Huu Tho, Dang Duc Anh, Koya Ariyoshi
    Published in 2011         

2. The spatial-temporal clustering of Plasmodium falciparum infection over eleven years in 
    Gezira State, The Sudan
     By Samia E Mirghani, Bakri YM Nour, Sayed M Bushra, Ibrahim M Elhassan, Robert W Snow
     and Abdisalan M Noor
     Malaria Journal 2010 9:172

In table 1, I have summarized research readings on above numbered research paper 1. In table 2 I have summarized research paper 2.


 Table 1

Population Density, Water Supply, and the Risk of Dengue Fever in Vietnam: Cohort Study and Spatial Analysis
individual-level cohort study by applying space-time scan statistics and mathematical models
In previous works, researches have investigated the effect on dengue transmission based on these parameters.

  1. Climate change
  2. Demographic transition
  3. Urban structure

In this research main focus goes to two parameters ; population density and inadequate water supply.

Note: Researches have mentioned that though population density and inadequate water supply are two major contributions to dengue epidemics, these two risk factors are poorly understood.
Data source
They have used hospital admission records and detailed household data from a large census area in vietnam.
They have showed that intense dengue virus transmission may occur in a
remarkably narrow range of human population densities with a
high mosquito/human host ratio in the absence of tap water

 Table 2
The spatial-temporal clustering of Plasmodium falciparum infection over eleven years in Gezira State, The Sudan
Space time clustering using the bernoulli model and the significance of clusters were tested using the kulldorff scan statistics.
Data source
Data from cross-sectional surveys undertaken in January each year from 1999-2009 in 88 villages in the Gezira state were assembled

In each survey, about 100 children between age 2 to 10 were sampled to test if they have presence with the disease.
Final database consists of these data parameters
  • Name of the village
  • The longitude and latitude
  • The year of survey
  • A summary of the number of children who were examined
  • The number who were positive for P. falciparum parasites.
Why they have used Kulldorff scan statistics?
This kulldorff scan statistics are implemented in SatScan.
And used for the purpose, analysing spatial and temporal clustering in the data.

Specific aim was to identify clusters of high infection rate.
Why they have used Bernoulli model?
 Reason 1
the number of people who participated in the surveys varied over years. So they need to avoid the effect of these sampling changes so that they can avoid clusters  that are driven by number of people participated in the survey rather than number of people who had infected with the disease.
Reason 2
to allow analysis of the purely spatial and/or the space-time scan statistics


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